Showcasing Versatile Media Portfolio
Welcome to
Kevin Ogert's
Digital Media Portfolio

About Kevin Ogert
Media Portfolio Overview
Kevin Ogert has been Producing some of the biggest digital content for Overtime Sports. To fully showcase all my work I have compiled it into this digital media portfolio showcasing a diverse range of media products, series and livestreams.
My Skills
Media Creation
Since 2017 I have been helping create and produce a wide range of digital media. The long list of media creation goes from Live Streamed Sporting Events, Youtube long and short form series, Commercials, Music Videos and Podcasts
Premier Pro Editing
Profecient in the Adobe Suite and more importantly Premier Pro. 5 years of editing experience. Editing experience includes: Broadcast edits, Social Media Assets and Cutdowns, Full and Short length features and episodic series for networks.
LiveStreaming Experience
From the biggest sporting events to small zoom calls, I can set up and send out livestreams for any occasion.
5 years experience Producing for budgets ranging from 5,000- 250,000 content. From Sports Athletes pieces to Superbowl commercials.
3 years as one man do it all Cinematographer for Overtime shooting, lighting, directing and running audio all the same time. Projects include podcast, Sports Athlete feature pieces, documentaries and small series. 3+ years freelancing as Cam Op and AC. A wide range of cameras worked with and situations on the cinematography side .

All Videos

Duke Dennis vs Paige Bueckers in EXTREME Knockout!